2020 has started off with a blur. Since the new year, I have killed my writing streak and lost the habit. It’s amazing how a streak can carry momentum and become a habit - and how quickly it can still go away if you let it.
Writing through the holidays was tough to manage. I got burnt out trying to write longer pieces while managing a schedule filled with family. It’s ok for me to take a break, and next time I will plan for that.
Now that I’ve had some time to recharge, I realize that I’ve missed writing. It’s a forced outlet for deep thinking. Through writing, I have focused my thinking to:
- Better think through opinions
- Identify areas for potential businesses
- Find clarity on my priorities
I’d still like to introduce a bit more focus. One idea is to write on a few different themes. It would be more interesting rather than just write about random a thought. It would also force me to think deeper on subjects.
More to come, but I’m back.